Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Butts-Mehre Expansion Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Friday, February 18, 2011
SAAC Meeting
Hornsby Howell Community Service Award
Applications can be found at the Rankin Smith Center check-in desk and will be e-mailed to all student-athletes or click here to download the application.
Applications are due to Lesley Black by March 11, 2011.
Contact Lesley (542-9103) if you have any questions.
Bulldog Cup Trophy Design
Three options for a Bulldog Cup Trophy have been presented. You can click here to view the options. Each SAAC rep should work with his/her team to get one team vote. Please let Lesley Black know your team's decision. Below is a description of the 3 options.
- Option 1
The first option is a large bulldog with some sort of square (possibly wooden) base. (The attached photos would not definitely be the dogs that are utilized…it’s just to give an idea.) The bulldog would have a collar with a tag with the name of the current team champion. When a new winning team is named, the tag will be adhered to the base.
- Option 2
- Option 3
This trophy will have separate banners as well for each team, but instead of bowing in spherically, it will have a slight curvature outwards. Instead of a written heading on the banner however, each team will have its own figurine or symbol signifying that that is the banner for the team. These banners will still have a space in between each banner but will not come back together like option 2. Coming from the bottom of the base up through all of the banners but not touching, will be a post that has either a power G or a bulldog that can also rotate. Each winning team gets their year that they won written down on their banner.